Part 15: Memory

BGM: Quiet Water

Hey, Sans.

This is a rare opportunity!

Something seems to be wrong with this telescope...


I head into the room to the north.

Well, I wanna try it out, so I buy three Nice Creams. That should do me for healing items for a while.

Putting the Nice Cream in my storage, I extract the three punch cards from the box.

The cards are actually... very minimally useful!
They look like this:


As promised, I get a free Nice Cream for my trouble.

Enough dealing with Nice Cream Man.

To the east, I find a bird.

I go back, and head south.

Papyrus isn't answering his phone again.

Strangely, I can run into Moldsmals here. As before, I can immediately end the fight by Sparing them.

I find a new weapon in some tall grass.

I equip a new weapon to match my tutu.

It's actually impossible for Papyrus to get that right, no matter what I say or do.

Tag team battle!
To quickly eliminate one, I ask Woshua to Clean.

The two attacks combined are... actually pretty tame.

With Woshua pacified, it's back to the usual flex-off.

It would be cool if making Aaron sweat everywhere would somehow defeat Woshua, but I tried it and it didn't work.

"This is the power that the humans feared."

BGM: Silence
To the north, I see something strange rise from the water.

Papyrus is even less helpful than usual.


Onionsan follows me as I walk.

I leave, then immediately about-face to walk through again. Onionsan is too... Onionsan to let that be all I see of him.

I'm back at the start of the room, so I'll about-face through it one more time.

So, new area.

So, new enemy.

Brace for attack!

Shyren. Listen.
I think you can do better.

She just needs a little encouragement. I will Conduct!

Okay, I'll Smile instead.

Shyren gets quieter. In the corner, Aaron nods his head approvingly.

Shyren continues her totally ineffectual attack. Last option, I Hum.

That's better!
Having regained her singing voice, Shyren leaves me alone.

North it is!

Only the first 8 are fine.

I can use Z and the direction buttons to play the piano! Only five different notes, though.
Anyway, the main problem is that there's no music echoing down the corridor, so I have no idea what to play.
For now, I head back south.

When a monster dies, its SOUL disappears.
And an incredible power would be needed to take the SOUL of a living monster.

The SOUL of a special species of monster called a "Boss Monster."
A Boss Monster's SOUL is strong enough to persist after death...
If only for a few moments.
A human could absorb this SOUL. But this has never happened.
And now it never will.

In the next room over, a strange object stands with rain trickling down on it.

Mysterious, indeed. I continue on.

I take an umbrella... then head back!

This statue is far too wet.

BGM: Memory

After listening to the music box for a bit, I go back and play it back on the piano.

I head north, into the secret chamber.

Hell yes. Gimme!

I... what?


I... put it down???

BGM: Dogsong

(The dog absorbs the artifact.)

Dog encounters: 7

That's not all, either. Some dog residue has appeared in my inventory.

Against my bettter judgment, I use it.

Now I have two dog residue.
I think I'm about done here.

BGM: Silence
I continue east.

So that's why they had a bucket of umbrellas here.

The kid starts to follow me.

We walk in silence for a while.

I continue on without the kid.

They attacked suddenly, and without mercy.

I save my game.

United, the humans were too powerful, and us monsters, too weak.
Not a single SOUL was taken, and countless monsters were turned to dust...

I continue onto the bridge.

I have a bad feeling about this.


BGM: Run!

This is my second time fleeing in terror from Undyne!
Each blue spot telegraphs a spear shooting up from the ground.

If one hits me, I have to do the same battle as with the last chase scene.

This bridge is huge, and needlessly convoluted.

It opens into a huge area without obstacles, then narrows back down into a 3-tile passage.

I run for as long as I can, but...

BGM: Silence

H... Hi there, Undyne.

BGM: Memory